Pre-drive checklist
Before you drive, use this checklist to make sure you and your vehicle are ready
to drive safely on our roads. If you note any vehicle defects, notify your
manager or fleet coordinator immediately and do not drive the vehicle.
Alcohol and drugs
Alcohol and drug related crashes account for around 40% of road fatalities annually.
Driver fatigue is one of the three big killers on NSW roads. Fatigue does n
Mobile phones and distraction
At 60 km/h, if you look at your phone for just two seconds, you travel 33 m
Country driving
Almost two thirds (65 per cent) of fatalities on NSW roads occur on country roads.
Safety around trucks and buses
Due to their size, trucks and buses have larger blind spots than the averag
Vulnerable road users
The road is there to share and road safety is everyone’s responsibility. Wh
You’re twice as likely to survive a car crash if you’re wearing a seatbelt.