Home Driver Training and Road Safety

Driving Toward A Safer Tomorrow

At Get Chauffeured, knowing that our team and our passengers are always as safe as possible means a lot to us. That’s why we’ve established our Driver Training & Road Safety page, a comprehensive hub designed to empower our professional drivers and their teams. This resource provides access to a wealth of downloads, online courses, and educational materials, underlining our commitment to setting the standard in the hire car industry in Australia.

Our initiative is more than just a commitment to safety; it’s a reflection of our core belief in the well-being of every individual behind the wheel and their passengers. We aim to create a future where every journey is safe and comfortable for both passengers and drivers. This dedication enhances our service quality and cultivates a culture where safety and responsibility are paramount. At Get Chauffeured, caring for our staff is at the heart of everything we do, ensuring that we all move forward safely and confidently together.

Hotel & Accommodation Transfers

At 60 km/h, if you look at your phone for just two seconds, you travel 33 metres, virtually blind. A short lapse in concentration can have serious consequences.

We Really Care 

We put our heart into ensuring everyone’s safety, and treating each other like family. Our approach to safety is personal. We look out for each other, no exceptions.

Community & Culture

Safety’s a team sport here. We all play a part in keeping the ride smooth and secure. By sticking together, we make safety a priority for everyone every day.

A Safer Tomorrow

Innovation drives us to new heights of safety, keeping us ahead of the curve. We’re on a mission to boost safety standards, ensuring a safer journey for all.



Road Safety Short Courses

As part of our ongoing commitment to a future with safer roads for our drivers and their passengers, all Get Chauffeured staff & contractors are encouraged to complete these four short road safety courses provided by towardszero.nsw.gov.au.

Please email all four certificates to bookings@getchauffeured.com.au upon completion.


Start eLearning Courses

Road Safety Resources

Free downloads & helpful road safety information

Pre-drive checklist

Pre-drive checklist

Before you drive, use this checklist to make sure you and your vehicle are ready
to drive safely on our roads. If you note any vehicle defects, notify your
manager or fleet coordinator immediately and do not drive the vehicle.


Download: Pre-drive checklist



Speeding is the biggest contributor to road trauma on NSW roads.

Download Fact Sheet

Alcohol and drugs

Alcohol and drugs

Alcohol and drug related crashes account for around 40% of road fatalities annually.

Download Fact Sheet



Driver fatigue is one of the three big killers on NSW roads. Fatigue does not only relate to extreme exhaustion but includes everyday mental or physical tiredness that affects your ability to function.

Download Fact Sheet

Mobile phones and distraction

Mobile phones and distraction

At 60 km/h, if you look at your phone for just two seconds, you travel 33 metres, virtually blind. A short lapse in concentration can have serious consequences.

Download Fact Sheet

Country driving

Country driving

Almost two thirds (65 per cent) of fatalities on NSW roads occur on country roads.

Download Fact Sheet

Safety around trucks and buses

Safety around trucks and buses

Due to their size, trucks and buses have larger blind spots than the average car. This means that these drivers may not always be able to see you. For everyone’s safety, always be cautious when driving or riding next to, or behind, a truck or bus.

Download Fact Sheet

Travelling on the safest route

Travelling on the safest route

The fastest route isn’t always the safest route.

Download Fact Sheet

Vulnerable road users

Vulnerable road users

The road is there to share and road safety is everyone’s responsibility. Whether you’re in a car or truck, on a motorcycle or bike, or on or around the road as a pedestrian, we can help keep ourselves and others safe.

Download Fact Sheet


Road Safety In Your Workplace

Almost 30% of workplace fatalities in NSW are the result of road crashes at work, while about 26% of the state road
toll involves a vehicle being used for business. Transport for NSW’s ‘Road Safety In Your Workplace’ program will help
your organisation establish internal policies and practices for safe work-related travel.

Download Fact Sheet